Medicaid Strategies Making a Difference: A Spotlight on Rhode Island

Since April 1, 2023, pandemic-era enrollment protections have expired and recertifications have resumed for Medicaid. New national data indicates that over 3.7 million Medicaid members have lost coverage since April when this process began – 74% of which have been due to procedural reasons like not returning their renewal paperwork. 

Through our Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, we’ve been working with six states to reduce program churn, improve processes for administrators, and protect health coverage for eligible households – now, during the Medicaid unwinding – and beyond. 

In a webinar highlighting one of the states in our Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, we share key tactics around outreach to participants and automated – or ex parte – renewal processes that the state of Rhode Island is using to help eligible people stay covered. 

The speakers include: 

  • Anthony Salvo, Chief of Family Health Systems at the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services 
  • Trooper Sanders, CEO of Benefits Data Trust  
  • Ki`i Powell, Senior Policy Director at Benefits Data Trust 
  • Jamila McLean, Senior Health Policy Manager at Benefits Data Trust 

Special thank you to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for making this event possible and their dedication to improving benefits access for eligible families, seniors, and individuals across the country.