Trooper Sanders

Chief Executive Officer

Trooper Sanders is CEO of Benefits Data Trust, a national nonprofit that uses data, technology, policy change, and direct service to strengthen the nation’s social safety net to ensure everyone quickly and easily receives the critical assistance they are eligible for when they need it. Trooper is active in forums advancing the safe and responsible use of artificial intelligence including the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee, Carnegie Mellon’s Block Center for Technology and Society’s external advisory committee, and the American Bar Association’s Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence where he is a special advisor.

Trooper brings over 20 years of experience working at the crossroads of business, government, and the nonprofit sector. Before joining BDT, Trooper was a Rockefeller Foundation fellow and worked on the social and economic implications of the global rise of artificial intelligence. For eight years, Trooper ran Wise Whisper, a strategic advisory practice to financial technology startups, philanthropic initiatives, and business leaders. He has also held White House policy staff positions during two administrations. In the nonprofit sector, he led the creation of ventures addressing issues such as the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States, the economic fallout of disasters, and the private sector's role in international development.

Trooper currently serves on the national board of Girl Scouts of USA and the Military Family Research Institute's advisory board. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Trooper earned his bachelor’s from the University of Michigan and holds a Master of Science in Regulation from the London School of Economics, as well as a Master of Law from the University of London.